Sonntag, 16. August 2009

Dresan Millojara - Perfil Artistico

Dresan Millojara


Dresan Milojara es Pintor y vive en Medellin.
1982, Born in Medellín, Colombia. The middle of three brothers. At an early he discovered his talent for drawing.
2000, Finishing school he immerses himself in the world of music; he takes up the drums and forms a punk rock band called Magma, then later plays in bands such as Bazuka, Los Nombres and Profesor Caos.
2001, Begins studies in graphic design and finds himself at odds with the digital world.  He chooses to dedicate a majority of his projects to be done by hand, which in turn infuriates his professors.
2003, Traveling to Spain and the Netherlands he visits various art museums including the Reina Sofía and the Van Gogh, each in their respective cities.  Becomes truly inspired and marked by the world of art.
2006, Debuts his short film IDIOT TV at the Colombo-Americano center in Medellín and paints a mural of the Design and Architecture faculties at the University Pontificía Bolivariana.
2007, Receives his professional title from university and immediately abandons his career stating he is sick of using computers and executing the ideas of others.
2008, After a voyage to England, Scotland, Switzerland and Egypt, and inspired by the art he viewed, he inscribes himself in a course at the Chelsea College of Arts where he completes his first paintings.
2009, Upon return to Colombia, he begins the task of building a studio/workshop in the countryside East of Medellín, where he continues to work as of today.
2010, Mujeres y la Muerte (Women and Death) His first solo Exhibition
2012, Atento (Attentive) solo exhibition, also spends a few months studying at the Art Students League in New York City.
2012, America solo Exhibition
2013DibujoDesnudodeDresan (The Nude Drawings by Dresan)  solo Exhibition
2014, Necias Naciones (Naughty Nations) solo Exhibition
2014, fotofamiliafantasma (Family Ghost Photo) solo exhibition in Escorzo Gallery, Medellín.

Homepage de Dresan Millojara


Photostream de Dresan en Flick´r

Dresan en Facebook

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